Tuesday, May 08, 2018

More Envelope Art with School House Rock

With the passing of Bob Dorough, the musical director of School House Rock, last week, several radio stations asked their listeners to describe their favorite song.  I did not remember "Unpack Your Adjectives" until I looked up video on youtube.  My favorite verse is:

We hiked along without care.

Then we ran into a bear.

He was a hairy bear,

He was a scary bear,
We beat a hasty retreat from his lair.
And described him with adjectives!

What is your favorite School House Rock song?
             Pen, brush & ink plus Tombow Dual Brush Markers on 80 lbs no 6 envelope

Ink only version


  1. I loved SHR. Clearly, 'Four' was my favorite :)


  2. Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
